







Single ref.: VKBA046-089
Single digital, 2 titles, 07:00 mn
Available in MP3 – 320 Kb/s - OGG - FLAC and Fair trade streaming (ABONKLUBO)

LA JUNULARO DE HODIAŬ - La Mondanoj – Berlin, Germany

Coproduction La Mondanoj/Vinilkosmo 2023

FULL SINGLE - MP3 - 2 € bouton caddie rouge

Please note:  The complete album is also available in the following formats by clicking on the desired format:
OGG, FLAC or  Fair Trade Streaming (ABONKLUBO).
Go to the bottom of the page to download single mp3 tracks.

Release of the digital Single on 15 december 2023


The song “La junularo de hodiaŭ” was written in 1985. La Mondanoj often played it in their concerts. In 2023 the song received some new text fragments and a more sophisticated arrangement.

It combines a rock riff with beautiful guitar playing and a catchy chorus. “La junularo de hodiaŭ” is an earworm that you can’t stop playing in your head.

The text seems to make fun of today’s youth as nerdy and boring, but this is just irony. In fact, La Mondanoj love today’s youth.

In this single La Mondanoj it is:
Aaron Koenig and Carsten Kindermann: authors and composers

Aaron Koenig: lead vocals and rhythm guitar
Carsten Kindermann: choirs and bass guitar
Tom Wunderlich: backing vocals and lead guitar

E-drum, recording, and mixing: Uwe Häusler in studio Electric Uweland, Berlin, Germany
Mastering: Triboulet in Studio de la Trappe, Donneville, France

Cover image: Aaron Koenig


2,00 €
1,00 €
1,00 €

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